Currently, I have 79 Range

Happy New Year my dear runescapers and fellow runescape bloggers. Sorry to be late and I'm sure I haven't updated in a while - there were some issues with my computer and other stuff... however, things should be better in 2010

2010 is the first year I've not attended school for the first time in my life. My future will most likely be decided in little time now.L'ets hope that 2010 is a good one.

Some goals I have for Runescape 2 in 2010 to be on my 1 def 1 pray pure 1. Find 85 Magic ... teleblocking is a great tool to be able to kill. At present, my magic level is 78 or 79, I think, but I don't remember. 2. Gain strength between 85 and 90 ... Currently, my strength level is 79. I'll be able hit 24-25's as a finisher

3. Extrememining Get 85 range for 14's ... range is the main weapon used by pures. Currently got 79 range.

Another goal of mine is to blog more often. I'm planning to release new guides and cool tips that haven't been released elsewhere. In fact, the next guide I'll publish will be an afk magic training guide!

Public Last Update: 2023-06-03 09:18:54